
金融市場上,經常將難以預測的極端事件稱為「黑天鵝(Black Swans)」,而黑天鵝多數會對股市造成極為嚴重的負面影響,但投資人不必太過悲觀,我們反而可以從過去經驗學習看待新的挑戰。






Bloomberg, from 29 December 1999 to 24 March 2020. Price return index, in US dollar terms. The MSCI AC Asia Pacific index is an index that captures large and mid-cap representation across five Developed Markets countries and nine Emerging Markets countries in the Asia Pacific region. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. An investment cannot be made in an index. This material represents an assessment of the market environment as of a specific date. It is subject to change and is not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future results. Drawdowns are calculated from the start of the Black Swan event to the next bottom. Recovery periods start from the bottom to the pre-crisis index level. Duration of Recovery refers to the “trading days” that the index recovers from the bottom to the previous high. The general concepts shared are for educational purposes only and not for the use in the marketing or sale of any Eastspring investment products. Viewers are advised to be cautious if they intend to invest in any products that are used in the illustrations as the illustrations do not cover the full spectrum of considerations required in making an investment decision.

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